Let’s go to Tunis!

Bye bye winter

Let’s go to Tunis!

Our second big trip takes us to the Tunisian capital. There, we’ll take a look at what exactly is happening within the Tunis-Cologne town twinning.

Since 2017, an expert on municipalities has been supporting the partnership, organizing the exchange of experience in environmental protection between the two cities. We will accompany him over the next few days.Since 2012, the “Service Agency Communities in One World” (SKEW) and the GIZ have been arranging for experts to support the partnerships between municipalities in Germany and in the Global South.

They support them in finding solutions to pressing problems – be they climate change, decentralizing administration, sustainable development or infrastructure projects like waste management.
At the same time, they help municipalities to set up large and sustainable networks.

We are happy to have been assigned the task to document this work. This spring, we will visit several municipalities in Europe and Africa and share our impressions of these places.

Film shoot in the Medina of Tunis